Brian JR Williamson Brian JR Williamson

What to Do if Your Vacuum Pump is Making a Loud Noise

Your vacuum pump may have been running smoothly for some time, all the while producing a continuous humming sound. But what does it mean when the noise level rises? Should you be concerned? 

In this post, we examine the many possible reasons for loud noises or a rattling sound coming from a vacuum pump – and what to do to fix it.


A normal vacuum pump will have a continuous humming sound during regular operation. The sound is measured at a standard of one meter (3ft) away from the pump. At this distance, you should be able to have a normal conversation. 

At Becker, the noise level of typical pumps ranges from roughly 59db-83db @ 60Hz, depending on the product. This is comparable to a vacuum cleaner or hair dryer from one meter away. The volume may vary with the pressure level.


When using a soft starter or VFD/Phase converter with soft start programming, it is normal to hear a “clicking” sound as the pump starts. For a dry vane pump, the clicking sound should decrease or go away once the pump reaches full speed.

Some of the same clicking can be heard in oil-flooded pumps until oil properly lubricates the vanes as it cycles. 

Becker SV Series single-stage regenerative blowers will start up accompanied by the roaring of air flow, which then settles down to a quiet sound in the contact-free environment. 


Loud sounds coming from vacuum pump operations can be caused by a wide variety of issues, including:

  • Backward rotation

  • Washboarding of the housing

  • Poor bearing grease quality

  • Vane stuck in rotor slot

  • Broken vanes

  • Vacuum/Compressed air leak

  • Faulty O-ring around vacuum/pressure valve

  • Faulty gasket

  • Metal-to-metal contact within the working chamber

  • Faulty valve

  • Coupling disc failure

  • Cooling fan failure

  • Faulty bearing

  • Delaminated vanes (on lubricated pumps)

Worn vanes or damaged internal components can cause an increase in sound. After a new set of vanes is installed, allow for a break-in period of 24-48 hours when the sound level is high. Once the new vanes are seated properly, the noise will fall back to normal conditions.

Temperature issues are the leading cause of mechanical failures that can increase the sound levels.

Poor oil conditions for lubricated pumps cause the pump to work harder, which increases noise.

In general, the older the pump, the louder it becomes. After 9-10 years, the housing can become washboarded, or corrugated. This washboarding effect causes the vanes to chatter, significantly increasing sound levels. 


To pinpoint the cause, try to isolate the noise to a specific part of the pump. Working through the points in your pump’s maintenance guide can help determine where the sound originates, or if the sound is due to a gap in following the maintenance schedule. 

Becker’s comprehensive guides outline how and when to perform maintenance tasks and show examples of damaged components. So, for example, check the vanes, filters, grease, and oil.

If the issue is deeper than just the standard maintenance points or the cause of increased noise cannot be isolated, the next step would be to call Becker’s Service Support experts. 


Follow these steps to diagnose and potentially fix the vacuum pump noise.

For new installs, check the pump motor wiring and confirm the correct rotation. Make sure that all connections are sealed and tight.

For existing pumps, check maintenance points (bearings, oil, vane condition, etc.) and inspect housing/end shields, looking for signs of washboarding and/or signs of overheating. Inspect valve O-rings.

Washboarding is caused by age and excessive heat and typically requires repair. Metal-to-metal contact requiring replacement of any of the four major working chamber components requires professional Becker repair.

Becker allows our customers to diagnose and service their equipment more than most companies. This enables the user to be more independent when changing oil, vanes, and filters, or even inspecting the working chamber for signs of failing parts like housings, end shields, or bearings. The extent of customer repair is up to the expertise of the user. Becker’s repair team is always available when needed.


Preventive maintenance is the best cure for almost all loud pump noise issues. Regularly inspecting/changing filters/vanes and other maintenance touchpoints will catch these problems before they become bigger, especially when it comes to noise. Rotation, and checking the bearings, filters, and vanes on schedule can all be done by the customer.

Each model has a recommended guideline for preventive maintenance. Each guide includes:

  • Maintenance intervals for each task

  • Tips to improve lifetime and performance

  • Part numbers for maintenance kits and disposables, such as filters

Download the specific maintenance guide for your pump or reach out to your Becker contact for maintenance interval information. And when in doubt, remember: Maintenance, maintenance, maintenance! 


When it comes to deciding whether to replace or repair a pump, it is very difficult to determine by noise alone. An inspection of the pump is the best way to tell, and the answer will entirely depend on the cost of the repair/overhaul versus the price of a new replacement pump.

Becker not only offers a full-service center with factory-trained technicians ready to get you back up and running, but our mobile fleet is available to help with your maintenance needs and keep you running between rebuilds. Reach out to your customer service representative for more information about your specific pump.  

Becker Pumps is the leading vacuum pump expert, offering full vacuum pump service – from on-site repair to Becker factory repair, full vacuum pump rebuilds, preventative maintenance, and customer training

Contact Becker Pumps for assistance with all your vacuum pump needs.

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Brian JR Williamson Brian JR Williamson

Centrifugal Pump Flow Rate: Key Concepts

Flow rate is a crucial parameter when it comes to understanding and operating centrifugal pumps effectively. Centrifugal pumps are widely used in various industries to transport fluids by converting rotational energy into hydrodynamic energy. They find applications in processes such as water supply, wastewater treatment, oil and gas, chemical processing, and more. To comprehend the principles behind centrifugal pump flow rate, it is important to explore its definition and significance within this context.

A. Definition of Flow Rate: Flow rate refers to the volume of fluid passing through a system per unit of time. In the context of centrifugal pumps, it represents the amount of fluid being discharged by the pump in a given time period. Flow rate is typically measured in units such as gallons per minute (GPM) or cubic meters per hour (m³/h).

B. Significance of Flow Rate in Centrifugal Pumps: Understanding flow rate is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it determines the pump’s capacity to deliver the required amount of fluid to the intended destination. Secondly, flow rate affects the pump’s efficiency, as variations from the design point can lead to inefficiencies and increased energy consumption. Additionally, flow rate plays a crucial role in system design, selection of the appropriate pump, and maintenance of the system’s operational parameters.

Factors Affecting Centrifugal Pump Flow Rate

A. Pump Design and Impeller Characteristics:
The design of the pump, particularly the impeller, significantly influences the flow rate. Impeller design parameters such as the number of blades, blade angle, and impeller diameter impact the pump’s performance and its ability to generate the desired flow rate.

B. Pump Speed and Impeller Diameter: The rotational speed of the pump, measured in revolutions per minute (RPM), and the impeller diameter are directly related to the flow rate. Higher pump speeds and larger impeller diameters generally result in higher flow rates, assuming other factors remain constant.

C. System Resistance and Head Loss: The resistance offered by the system, including pipes, valves, fittings, and other components, creates a head loss. Increased system resistance leads to a decrease in the flow rate. Understanding the system’s hydraulic characteristics and minimizing head losses are crucial for achieving the desired flow rate.

D. Viscosity of the Fluid: The viscosity of the fluid being pumped affects the flow rate. Higher viscosity fluids require more power to achieve the desired flow rate due to increased friction losses. Pump selection and system design must consider the fluid’s viscosity to ensure optimal performance.

E. Cavitation and NPSH: Cavitation occurs when the pressure at the impeller inlet drops below the vapor pressure of the fluid, causing the formation of vapor bubbles. This phenomenon can adversely affect the flow rate and pump performance. Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) is a critical parameter that ensures the prevention of cavitation. Insufficient NPSH can result in decreased flow rates and damage to the pump.

Centrifugal Pump Flow Rate Formula

A. Understanding the Basic Formula: The flow rate (Q) of a centrifugal pump can be calculated using the pump calculation formula: Q = (π * D^2 * n * H) / (4 * g), where D represents the impeller diameter, n represents the pump speed (RPM), H represents the head, and g represents the acceleration due to gravity.

B. Components of the Pump Calculation Formula:

Q: Flow Rate, measured in the desired units (GPM, m³/h, etc.), represents the fluid volume delivered by the pump per unit of time.

D: Impeller Diameter, measured in the same units as the pump dimensions represents the size of the impeller, which affects the pump’s ability to generate flow.

n: Pump Speed (RPM), represents the rotational speed of the pump, which influences the flow rate.

H: Head, measured in units of length (feet, meters, etc.), represents the energy imparted to the fluid by the pump, determining its ability to overcome system resistance and achieve the desired flow rate.

g: Acceleration due to gravity, a constant value used to convert the units of the formula to match the desired flow rate units.

C. Example Calculation using the Formula: Let’s consider an example to illustrate the calculation of flow rate using the formula.

Suppose we have a centrifugal pump with an impeller diameter (D) of 0.5 meters, operating at a speed (n) of 1500 RPM, and generating a head (H) of 10 meters.

Assuming the acceleration due to gravity (g) is 9.81 m/s², the calculation would be as follows: Q = (π * 0.5^2 * 1500 * 10) / (4 * 9.81) Q = (3.14 * 0.25 * 1500 * 10) / (4 * 9.81) Q = 11775 / 39.24 Q ≈ 299.42 m³/h

Using a Centrifugal Pump Flow Rate Calculator

A. Overview of Flow Rate Calculators: Flow rate calculators provide a convenient way to determine the flow rate of a centrifugal pump without manual calculations. These tools utilize the flow rate formula and allow users to input the relevant parameters to obtain accurate results quickly.

B. Online Resources and Tools: Various online resources and engineering websites offer flow rate calculators specifically designed for centrifugal pumps. These calculators often provide additional functionalities, such as unit conversions and the ability to compare different pump configurations.

C. Step-by-Step Guide to Using a Calculator:

Input Parameters: Start by entering the required parameters into the calculator, such as impeller diameter, pump speed, head, and gravitational acceleration. Some calculators may also prompt you to specify the fluid properties or select predefined fluid types.

Obtaining the Flow Rate Result: After inputting the necessary parameters, click the calculate button or similar option provided by the calculator. The tool will process the inputs using the flow rate formula and provide the resulting flow rate value in the desired units.

D. Advantages and Limitations of Flow Rate Calculators: Flow rate calculators offer several advantages, including speed, convenience, and accuracy in obtaining flow rate values. They eliminate the need for manual calculations, reducing the potential for human error. However, it’s important to note that calculators rely on the accuracy of the input parameters, and users should ensure the data provided is reliable for precise results.

Practical Applications and Considerations

A. Selecting the Appropriate Pump for Desired Flow Rate: Understanding the flow rate requirements is essential when selecting a centrifugal pump. By considering factors such as system resistance, head, fluid properties, and desired flow rate, engineers can choose a pump that can meet the specified operational needs efficiently.

B. System Design and Optimization: Proper system design plays a significant role in achieving the desired flow rate. Factors such as pipe sizing, minimizing bends and fittings, and selecting appropriate valves contribute to reducing system resistance and optimizing flow rate performance.

C. Maintenance and Troubleshooting: Regular maintenance of centrifugal pumps is vital for ensuring optimal flow rate. Monitoring impeller condition, checking for blockages, maintaining proper lubrication, and addressing performance deviations are crucial for maintaining desired flow rates and extending the pump’s lifespan.

D. Real-world Examples and Case Studies: Real-world examples and case studies can provide practical insights into centrifugal pump flow rate applications. These may include scenarios where flow rate requirements were met successfully, challenges encountered and resolved, and the impact of flow rate on overall system performance.


Understanding the centrifugal pump flow rate is crucial for efficient pump operation and system design. Engineers and operators can ensure optimal pump performance by grasping the key concepts, factors influencing flow rate, the flow rate formula, and utilizing flow rate calculators. Selecting the appropriate pump, considering system design and optimization, and implementing proper maintenance practices are essential for achieving and maintaining desired flow rates. By delving deeper into the subject and exploring real-world examples, individuals can further enhance their understanding of centrifugal pump flow rate and its significance in various applications.

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Brian JR Williamson Brian JR Williamson

Quality vs. Upfront Cost: Comparing Vacuum Pumps

It’s common for purchasing managers to choose a vacuum pump at or near the lowest price available. However, the quality of the pump significantly impacts the cost and performance of the pump over its lifespan. 

In this article, we dive into the many factors affecting the lifetime cost of high-quality pumps versus cheaper pumps and show why price points can be deceiving and should not be the sole deciding factor in choosing a pump. 


The quality of a vacuum pump can impact its longevity, with lower-quality pumps demonstrating a shorter lifespan than higher-quality products. High-quality pumps and parts ensure reliability and durability as well as consistent performance. 

Suppliers of high-quality pumps usually provide consultation with a specialist who will help determine the optimal solution for the application. For achieving the best results from your purchase, it’s crucial to make the right pump and accessory choices – an important step that is often overlooked. 

In addition, suppliers of higher-quality products typically offer spare parts and after-sales services, which may not be available for low-budget solutions. 


One useful tool for making informed decisions that consider both quality and cost-effectiveness when selecting vacuum pumps is the “total cost of ownership”, or TCO.

To evaluate the quality factor against up-front costs, it’s helpful to calculate and compare the TCO of competing pumps for the first two and five years of operation. You may discover that replacing a pump every two or three years versus every eight or ten years, even if lower in cost, will ultimately cost more as the years go by.


By solely considering just a few factors, such as the upfront price of a vacuum pump, certain hidden costs that contribute to the TCO may be overlooked. 

Calculating the TCO requires breaking down the factors that affect the lifetime costs of a pump, some of which may not be obvious or easily defined. These may include:

  •  Lifespan of the pump 

  • Maintenance intervals & cost of labor and consumables

  • Cost for part replacements

  • Energy efficiency

  • Easy availability of parts and services

  • Opportunity cost of machine downtime 


Selecting the lowest-price vacuum pump option not only sacrifices quality but can also lead to a higher TCO through higher maintenance and energy costs. 

For example, a lower-quality pump may be less efficient, requiring more energy for the same amount of vacuum produced. A less-well-built pump may lose efficiency due to leaking oil or worn parts, adding more repair and replacement costs.

A lower-quality, low-cost vacuum pump may require extra maintenance to keep the pump going for the same amount of time. To find out maintenance intervals, as well as the required maintenance tasks and consumables, it’s important to read the manufacturer’s instructions. Consider also that a lower-cost pump may tend to break down more easily, adding even more costs. 


We’ve seen that the total financial investment in a specific vacuum pump can be estimated using TCO. And typically, machine downtime is the real cost driver.

A vacuum pump is often part of a larger machine so a broken pump can cause expensive and inconvenient downtime for the entire machine. A provider that is located near your plant that can supply fast service and delivery of the exact parts required can keep your operation running smoothly without interruptions.

The long-term benefits of choosing a higher-quality vacuum pump boil down to a simple formula:

Less Downtime = More Peace of Mind

By prioritizing quality and reliability when selecting a vacuum pump, and comparing the projected TCO of competing pumps, purchasing managers can strike a balance between upfront budget considerations and a vacuum pump’s long-term value and quality


Becker is a leading manufacturer of vacuum pumps, providing sales, service, and replacement parts across the US, Canada, and Mexico from our US headquarters, warehouse, and primary service center in Akron, Ohio.

If you are looking for a reliable and cost-effective vacuum pump, we invite you to explore our solutions by industry.

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Brian JR Williamson Brian JR Williamson

5 Common Problems With Vacuum Pumps

With so many types and brands of industrial vacuum pumps on the market today, a wide range of issues can arise that can negatively impact your business. 

In this post, we examine the five most common problem areas and how to resolve them – whether repairing or replacing the pumps is necessary, or if less drastic solutions will work. 


A common issue encountered by users of all types of vacuum pumps is failing to ensure proper wiring of the motor to match the incoming voltage. This can damage or burn up the motor.

The motor wiring is determined by the incoming power supply. Once the incoming power is verified, the voltage ratings can be found on the motor tag (not to be confused with the pump tag).

Depending on the motor, the wiring can be set for multiple voltages. Three phase motors typically have two configurations: high voltage or low voltage. The correct configuration for these settings can be found inside the motor box cover or on the motor tag. If not present, contact Becker Support to obtain this information.

Rotation of the unit is crucial. This can be checked after the wiring has been installed and confirmed for the proper voltage by “bump starting” the unit and watching the fan for rotation.

Arrows to indicate proper rotation direction can be found on the outside protective cover or the motor flange. In a 3-phase setting, the direction of rotation can be changed by swapping two of the incoming leads. When bump starting any unit be sure the inlet and outlet of the pump are open to ambient air to allow the pump to rotate without restriction.


If a unit is continuously tripping a breaker so that the pump won’t turn on, further troubleshooting is required.

Start by checking that the breaker is rated for the proper values compared to the ones on the motor tag. For example, if a 20 amp breaker is installed but the motor is rated for 25 amps the breaker will overload and trip. Adjust the breaker for proper range and support.

If the pump has been in operation for some time and tripping is a new occurrence, first lockout/tagout the pump/motor to cut power to the motor.

Next, open the pump and inspect the working chamber for potential metal-to-metal contact, broken vanes, or other obstructions that are generating more resistance and causing a spike in amp draw.

Note: This step will vary depending on the pump type, if unsure how to access the working chamber for your specific model please contact Becker Support.


A loss in vacuum or pressure can often be attributed to lack of pump maintenance. If the inlet filters are not periodically cleaned and/or replaced, the pump can starve of proper airflow, resulting in performance loss and potential failure.

To quickly check that your filters are clean and clear, hold a flashlight on the outside of the filter and look to see how much, if any, visible light shines through. If little to no light is visible after blowing the filter out, it’s time to change the filter. Additional technical options to determine a fliter’s health are available—contact Becker Support for more information.

A loss in pump performance can also be caused by sticking or worn vanes. To check this, start by removing and measuring the vanes to determine if they have worn past their minimum height tolerance. Inspect each vane for chips, breaks, abnormal wear, and cupping. 

The maintenance sticker attached to the top of your vacuum pump will show the minimum specs for the vanes specific to your model.

Cupping can be found when laying all the vanes on top of one another and observing the end view. If visible light or “bowing” can be seen between the vanes, one or more may be beginning to cup. This can weaken the vanes so much that eventually, they break, resulting in a seized pump. 

Vane cupping is only caused from overheating—please consult Becker’s Service Team for corrective actions immediately.

Another potential cause for loss in pump performance is sticking vanes that will not drop from the rotor. Contamination from the application or over-greasing can cause the vanes to stick. In an oil-lubricated pump, the vanes will stick if the oil becomes too thick. Lack of proper oil flow will cause lubricated vanes to delaminate and swell so that they stick in the rotor slots. 

Cleaning out thick oil or running flushing oil through the pump can help to free up vanes and improve oil flow. In dry vane pumps, buildup of carbon vane dust in the rotor slots can cause vanes to stick. Compressed air and 220 grit sandpaper can be used to gently remove vane dust from the rotor slot.


Misting oil from the exhaust port while the unit is running could be caused by several contributing factors.

First, Becker’s oil-lubricated pumps are best run at the deepest vacuum level they can reach. If your oil-lubricated pump is running at less than 20”Hg, there will be an increase in exhaust pressure as more ambient air is present in the pump. This will cause more oil to leave the pump. Ensure all connections are tight and not leaking on the inlet portion of the pump/application. Measure the vacuum level at the inlet of the pump and aim for a vacuum level of 20-29”Hg.

Second, an inspection of the oil separators should be done. Over time, oil will accumulate in the separators and they can become saturated. These filters collect oil particles from the exhaust air stream. If they become saturated, they cannot collect oil and it will be blown out of the exhaust port instead. The oil separator should be changed regularly, just like a normal air filter.

Third, check the float chamber. All oil-lubricated models will have a small “scavenger line” connecting the float chamber to either the inlet or B-side end shield. This chamber is located just below the oil separators in the exhaust of the pump.

If this line and/or the chamber becomes clogged or contaminated it will starve the working chamber of fresh oil to properly lubricate the vanes, and the float chamber to overfill with oil. The exhaust pressure traveling across this float chamber will cause oil to mist from the exhaust or just simply leak oil from the exhaust port/cover.


A question about noise often arises when customers initially install their pumps, especially dry vane pumps.

On initial startup, it is common to hear a “clicking” sound when the vanes drop out of their rotor slots due to centrifugal force and contact with the cylinder walls, especially at lower speeds. In most cases this is normal.

Additionally, when new vanes are installed or a freshly rebuilt unit is run for the first time, a very high-pitched screeching sound is sometimes generated. This noise is due to the vanes breaking in. Allow the pump to run for 24-48 hours. If the noise continues, please consult the Becker Service Team.

To help reduce or mitigate the noise issue when rebuilding a pump or even exchanging vanes for a new set, be sure to clean and clear out all vane debris from the previous set. Using a clean rag, brake cleaner, and compressed air, thoroughly clean the cylinder walls. If the vanes are trying to mesh to a contaminated/dirty cylinder the noise will take longer to go away and may never stop.

If the pump has been in operation for some time and you notice a new noise or an increase in noise or clicking while in operation, it’s time to check the filters, bearings, and vanes.

With older pumps, the cylinder wall will need to be inspected for “washboarding” – look for ripples or waves along the wall that form from extended use. Washboarding will cause the vanes to skip as they scrape across the cylinder walls, increasing heat and noise and a loss of vane life. Once washboarding begins the only fix is replacing the cylinder.


These five common problems with vacuum pumps can significantly impact the efficiency and reliability of your industrial processes. Any of these issues will undoubtedly disrupt the process with downtime that could be costly. 

Here are some tips for how to get ahead of disruptions in your operations:


An increase in the running temperature of the pump can often indicate an issue that should be checked. The heat could be due to metal contact within the working chamber, broken vanes, wash boarding, bearing failures, oil viscosity, etc.

An increase in noise or vibration, or an increase in amps, should not be ignored. Contact the Service Center for further troubleshooting assistance.

The two most common causes of failure across any type of vacuum/pressure pump are ingestion of contaminants from the application and running the unit for too long on a clogged or restricted filter.


Another main cause are gaps in the preventative maintenance schedule based on use and application. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, but recognize that these must be tailored to your specific needs to ensure you get the most out of your pump for years to come.

Periodically checking the filters, measuring the vanes, checking oil level and condition, and installing the proper external accessories to help protect the pump will all aid in extending its life.

Leaks in vacuum pumps or vacuum systems often can be attributed to a lack of tight and secure connections within the plumbing of the system.

Also, some specific Becker Pump models (KVT, DVT, KDT) have an O ring located around the collar of the vacuum relief valves that over time can dry rot, causing a leak directly at the valve. Your contact at Becker can assist you with the recommended guidelines as well as provide maintenance kit part numbers and pricing for your specific Becker model. 


Some customers will opt to have their old model rebuilt to use as a backup and put a new pump into operation. Due to extensive damage, some may be scrapped or sent back as is and a new one purchased because the cost of a new pump is less than rebuilding the old one. 


Becker currently offers mobile repair services based out of two locations. We also have a full-service center where you can send your pump for evaluation and repair by factory-trained technicians. We support warranty evaluations, total rebuilds, maintenance, and everything in between.

Our Technical Department is dedicated to helping you with any application-based solutions. For those who want to learn more, Becker offers training courses from Basics to Maintenance, to full in-depth repair.
And, if you’re in the market for a high-quality vacuum pump for your industrial application, Becker has you covered. We deliver a variety of customer-specific market solutions for different applications within each market. Click below to learn more about the solutions we offer for your industry.

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Brian JR Williamson Brian JR Williamson

NETZSCH TORNADO® Rotary Lobe Pump: Efficient, Versatile and Reliable for Your Requirements

NETZSCH Pumps & Systems presents the NETZSCH TORNADO® rotary lobe pump, a pioneering solution fulfilling the highest demands in various industries.

With an impressive history of more than seven decades in developing customised pumps, NETZSCH sets global standards for quality, efficiency and performance. Find out why the NETZSCH TORNADO® rotary lobe pump is the perfect choice for demanding applications.

Innovative technology of the NETZSCH TORNADO® rotary lobe pump

The NETZSCH TORNADO® rotary lobe pump is equipped with innovative technology. The pump is characterised by its unique ease of servicing. All parts that come into contact with the pumped liquid are accessible without dismantling the pipework or drive. This Full Service In Place (FSIP®) technology allows quick and easy access, saves valuable time, and minimises downtime. Whether in the food or chemical industry, environmental technology or agriculture, NETZSCH TORNADO® pumps are incredibly versatile. Their valveless and self-priming design also enables the pumping of media with a wide range of properties, from shear-sensitive fluids to abrasive substances. The globally unique synchronised gear protection system (GSS) ensures spatial separation between the pump and gear compartment. This guarantees absolute operational safety. The system prevents the medium from entering the gear and protects against gear oil entering the pump chamber. This increases the service life and reliability of NETZSCH TORNADO® pumps.

NETZSCH TORNADO® pumps: Environmentally friendly and economical

NETZSCH TORNADO® pumps are characterised by maximum performance and environmental awareness. The selection of high-quality materials and the innovative design reduce the pump's weight and minimise energy consumption. The innovative design of the NETZSCH TORNADO® not only increases the service life of pistons and housing inserts but significantly reduces your life cycle costs. The modular design of the NETZSCH TORNADO® rotary lobe pump also allows you to replace worn parts cost-effectively while improved efficiency minimises energy consumption. This reduces your maintenance and repair costs in the long term.

NETZSCH TORNADO® in the food industry: Highest hygienic standards

Hygiene is of crucial importance in the food industry. The NETZSCH TORNADO® rotary lobe pump fulfils the highest hygiene standards and, at the same time, guarantees the safe conveying of food products. Therefore, it is the optimum solution for hygienic conveying applications. The valveless and self-priming design of the NETZSCH TORNADO® pump enables gentle pumping without media coming into contact with the inside. In addition, the FSIP® (Full Service In Place) technology ensures easy cleaning and maintenance, allowing you to comply with even the highest hygiene standards.

NETZSCH TORNADO® pumps for demanding chemical applications

Aggressive media often have to be pumped into the chemical industry. The NETZSCH TORNADO® rotary lobe pump is characterised by its resistance to chemical substances. Thanks to high-quality materials and a robust design, it guarantees reliable pumping – even under demanding conditions. With the NETZSCH TORNADO®, you can quickly pump abrasive media, shear-sensitive liquids, and low or high-viscosity substances. The unique GSS technology (synchronised gear protection system) described above ensures maximum operational safety, even in challenging chemical applications.

NETZSCH TORNADO® in environmental technology: Efficient and robust

In environmental technology and agriculture, NETZSCH TORNADO® pumps, from the global specialist in handling complex media, impress with their outstanding robustness and efficiency. They can even pump media containing solids and are insensitive to dry running. With the TORNADO® T.Envi® rotary lobe pumps, you can convey various low-maintenance substrates. The NETZSCH TORNADO® also enables low-wear pumping of industrial wastewater with a high solids content, which is particularly advantageous for water treatment in sewage treatment plants. The modular design also allows flexible use in different applications, while the FSIP® (Full Service In Place) technology ensures fast inspections and maintenance.

Conclusion: NETZSCH TORNADO® – the optimum choice for efficient pumping

The NETZSCH TORNADO® rotary lobe pump offers you unique advantages in a wide range of industries. Its versatility, high efficiency, maximum operational safety and easy maintenance make it the ideal choice for demanding applications. Discover the future of pump technology with NETZSCH and the TORNADO® rotary lobe pump.

Sustainability is also becoming increasingly important in all areas of application. The NETZSCH TORNADO® rotary lobe pump contributes to sustainable production thanks to its energy-efficient operation and durable design. Reduce your ecological footprint and opt for an environmentally friendly solution with the NETZSCH TORNADO® pump.

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Brian JR Williamson Brian JR Williamson

Becker - Oil-Less Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps

Becker VTLF Series vacuum pumps are medium vacuum, dry displacement pumps and are designed to operate on a continuous duty basis at any vacuum level from open flow to 27 inches Hg. The VTLF Series dry rotary vane pumps utilize self-lubricating, graphite composite vanes, specifically engineered for Becker pumps. No oil to change and only minimal maintenance is required.

Each VTLF Series pump comes standard with:

  • Built-in inlet filter

  • Vibration isolators

  • Vacuum safety valve

  • Discharge silencers


  • 100% dry operation

  • Long vane life

  • Continuous duty rated

  • Air-cooled

  • Single shaft direct drive

  • Compact design

  • Variety of motors available


  • Low operation and maintenance costs

  • Cool operation

  • No cycling times

  • Quiet operation – no silencer enclosures necessary

  • Small footprint for space savings

  • Straightforward construction for fast and easy service on-site to reduce downtime

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Brian JR Williamson Brian JR Williamson

Watson Marlow - Qdos® Conveying Wave Technology™

Qdos CWT is the next level in high performance for our industry leading Qdos range of chemical metering pumps. Conveying Wave Technology™ (CWT) delivers all the benefits of a peristaltic pump, but with significantly longer service life than traditional tube designs.

Qdos CWT gives superior accuracy in chemical metering and dosing applications while eliminating expensive ancillary equipment.

The sealed pumphead minimises operator exposure to chemicals, and can be safely changed in less than a minute

  • Flow rates to 500 ml/min at up to 9 bar

  • Long service life at high pressure

  • Reliable, low-maintenance metering

Advancing our industry leading Qdos series

Qdos CWT is built on established Qdos drive technology. The Qdos series has a wide range of communication and connection options. Operator and environmental safety is assured through:

  • Sealed pumphead for chemical containment

  • Leak detection software

  • Failure alarm capabilities

Qdos CWT pumps provide outstanding chemical dosing accuracy in sustainable water treatment applications.

Pumps do not suffer vapour locking and consistently dose chemicals including sodium hypochlorite, without the need to overdose to ensure reliable treatment.

The pumps are unaffected by ambient temperature variations and will provide long service life, lowering the cost of ownership.

Conveying Wave Technology employs the peristaltic principle to operate a unique fluid contact element.

To achieve the peristaltic pumping action, the pump incorporates an EPDM element rather than a tube, which acts against a PEEK track. As a result the fluid contact elements is subjected to very low stress levels.

In use, this means a Qdos® CWT™ pump will deliver significantly longer service life than a traditional pump.

CWT with its unique fluid contact element has the following benefits:

  • No gas locking

  • Stable performance, even with temperature and pressure fluctuations

  • Mechanical restitution provides consistently high accuracy for the life of the pump

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Brian JR Williamson Brian JR Williamson

Rotech - Progressive Cavity Pumps

Rotech Progressive Cavity Pumps are designed to use for Food & Beverages, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Oil & gas and Many more for their various applications. The main components which characterize the pump are metallic single helical rotor and fixed double helical polymer resistant part Stator in which the rotor turns and thereby a complex progressive sealing line is maintained. While the rotor rotates inside the stator, the cavities formed between them progresses from suction to discharged end, gently carrying the media.

Product Specification

Positive Displacement: Progressing cavities deliver a uniform, metered and non-pulsating flow. The head developed is independent, and flow rate proportion to the rotational speed.

Self-Priming: Can work on more i.e. handles high percentage of air with liquid and do not required fool valves.

Non-Clogging: Can handle solids in suspension or media containing high percentage of solids.

Low Internal Velocity: minimum degradation of shear-sensitive media and can handle highly viscous pseudo-plastic materials,

NPSH Requirements: Suction lift capacity up to 9.5 MWC and effective even in high vacuum conditions.

Reversible: Suction and Delivery ends can be interchanged by manly changing the direction of ration of the pump.

Industries to be served


Effluent & Water Sugar,

Distillery & Brewery

Paper, Pulp & Cellulose

Ceramics & Refractories

Bulk Explosives & Emulsions Chemicals




Marine Mining

Man-made Fiber

Oil & gas

Paint & Varnish

Ship Building Industries

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Brian JR Williamson Brian JR Williamson

Tips for Custom Vacuum Pump Design

For many applications, a custom vacuum pump design is the best way to get a fit-for-purpose solution that improves efficiency and doesn’t compromise on features. However, the customization is only worthwhile if it meets your specific needs.

Half of a successful design comes from working with an expert pump supplier, and the other half comes from your active participation in the design process. This style of partnership minimizes wasted time and money and maximizes the value of the final unit.

The process begins with your reason for seeking a unique solution.

Why get a custom vacuum pump design?

There are numerous reasons for customizing a vacuum pump. Whatever the specifics, behind every custom design, there should be an overarching business goal. Half of a successful design comes from working with an expert pump supplier, and the other half comes from your active participation in the design process.

Here are some common motivations for engaging a custom pump supplier.

One size doesn’t fit all

Using standard parts with specialized processes makes it nearly impossible to realize the highest efficiency and functionality. When it comes to a proprietary technique or advanced process, vacuum pump components that aren’t fit-for-purpose may limit performance.

Customization lets you realize the ideal design to support superior results.

Adapt to customer demands

As technology advances, customers are demanding better performance. It’s possible to lose business to a more agile competitor if your product doesn’t exceed expectations.

A tailored approach solves complex or situation-specific requirements. For example, this CNC manufacturer partnered with Becker Pumps, creating a custom vacuum pump design as a “drop-in” solution.

Seize a competitive advantage

Using the same components as the competition makes it difficult to differentiate your products in a crowded marketplace.

Developing a fit-for-purpose, custom vacuum pump design with advanced features and capabilities helps you fulfill opportunities where others cannot, making you the vendor of choice for select applications.

Examples of Custom Vacuum Pump Design

Healthcare – central medical/surgical vacuum systems, mobile vacuum systems.

Manufacturing – forming shaped plastics,  additive manufacturing.

Material handling – holding, lifting, and moving products, pick and place.

Packaging – primary, secondary, tertiary.

Woodworking – wood drying and veneering, creating suction to aid with CNC work

Typical components involved in custom design:

  • Motor starters

  • External inlet filters

  • Check valves

  • Gauges

  • Sound abatement

  • Receiver tanks

  • Air/water (liquid) separators

Three Tips for a Successful Custom Design

Working with a vacuum pump supplier to create a custom unit is a team effort. It involves thorough consideration of the factors that go into a successful product while balancing reliability, functionality, cost, and efficiency.

Here are a few tips for developing a custom vacuum pump design.

1. Confirm performance specifics

Verifying the vacuum pump’s specifics up-front sets the stage for success. As the requester of a custom unit, you’ll want to convey your unique specifications to the supplier. This includes performance details, such as the unit’s capacity and the type of environment the pump will encounter.

Identifying the gas or vapor coming back to the pump is critical, as certain units can tolerate vapor in their chamber better than others. With particulates, like dust or wood chips, the supplier may need to consider an external filter to protect the pump from damage.

2. Know the physical limitations of your process

A custom-built unit should solve problems, not create them. Describing how you want the vacuum pump to contribute to your process will help the supplier design a unit that fits seamlessly into your existing operations.

Consider this; a lengthy pipe run leading to the vacuum pump may call for an external check valve, or space constraints may require modifications to the pump’s cover. Addressing operational realities during the design stage is far easier than making changes later.

3. Choose a supplier with a great reputation

Successful vacuum pump design has a lot to do with choosing the right pump supplier. The best suppliers have a wealth of industry experience and will listen closely and work together with you to develop a tailored design.

Ask for examples of the supplier’s previous work and talk to them about meeting your goals for the custom design. If they’re serious about custom work, they’ll be able to explain their process in detail.

Reliable Custom Vacuum Pump Design By Becker Pumps

We’re committed to customer satisfaction. To exceed your expectations, our dedicated in-house custom design team draws on their vast experience—we’ve engineered reliable vacuum pump solutions for a range of industries.

By collaborating with expert partners within the industry, we create unique solutions that you won’t find anywhere else.

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Brian JR Williamson Brian JR Williamson

Unibloc® Pumps - Sanitary PD Pumps

Unibloc® Pump is the innovation leader in premium sanitary positive displacement pumps for pharmaceutical, meat and poultry, tanker truck fleets, food and beverage, dairy, brewery, and more industries. Fight downtime with a Unibloc Pump. Lobe and Gear pumps, plus innovative strainers, valves, sight glasses, and more.

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Brian JR Williamson Brian JR Williamson

SPU/SXU High Head Trash Pumps

SPU/SXU series pumps are self-priming pumps with multiple vane opened impeller designed for economical & trouble free operation in solid handling sewage & slurries.

There are interchangeable with other OEM Trash Pumps, and can be a drop-in replacement.

Rotech Pump presents a revolutionary range of Self-Priming Centrifugal Trash Pumps . Ergonomically designed and aesthetically perfect, these pumps are economical & offer trouble-free operation in handling solids laden liquids and slurries. Pump features a large volume design which allows them to re-prime automatically in a completely open system without the need of suction or discharge check valves. And this is workable with the pump only partially filled with liquid and completely dry suction line. Pump can handle up to 1.75”( 45mm ) spherical solids, depending on pump models. In case that pump shaft or bearings need service or repair, the entire rotating assembly can be removed without disturbing pump casing or pipelines. Rotating assembly is sealed with an O-Ring, allowing for external adjustments of clearance.

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Brian JR Williamson Brian JR Williamson

Qdos H-FLO: chemical metering and dosing pump

The latest pump in the Qdos® range, Qdos H-FLO is designed specifically for higher flow rates up to 600 L/hr. Delivering the same accuracy and reliability as other Qdos metering and dosing pumps. Qdos H-FLO pumps offer long maintenance intervals - reducing the impact of process downtime and lowering the overall cost of ownership.

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Brian JR Williamson Brian JR Williamson

Acid Pumps: Types, Benefits & Uses

Acid pumps are essential components in a variety of industrial processes and applications, where they play a crucial role in moving corrosive liquids and liquids with abrasive solids. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about acid pumps, including how they work, their different types, and their benefits and limitations.

What are Acid Pumps?

Acid pumps are pumps designed to handle corrosive and abrasive liquids that would damage or destroy regular pumps. These pumps are made of materials that can withstand the harsh chemical environment, such as stainless steel, duplex steels, and often plastic based polymers. The materials used in the construction of acid pumps depend on the type of liquid being pumped and the concentration of the corrosive material.

How do Acid Pumps Work?

When referring to industrial acid pumps, their working mechanism depends on the specific type of pump used. Here are two common types and their operating principles:

1. Air-operated double diaphragm (AODD) pumps:

  • These pumps have two flexible diaphragms separated by a chamber filled with the acidic liquid.

  • Compressed air pushes one diaphragm forward, drawing liquid into the chamber on the other side.

  • When the first diaphragm reaches its limit, the air pressure switches, pushing the second diaphragm forward and expelling the liquid.

  • This cycle repeats, creating a pulsing flow of the acidic liquid.

  • Since the diaphragms don’t contact the liquid directly, they eliminate the risk of leaks and contamination.

2. Centrifugal pumps:

  • These pumps use a rotating impeller to create centrifugal force, flinging the liquid outwards.

  • The liquid exits the pump through a discharge nozzle due to the pressure generated.

  • Centrifugal pumps can handle high flow rates but may not be suitable for highly viscous acids or those containing solids.

  • Depending on the acid’s specific properties, special materials like stainless steel or lined casings are used to prevent corrosion.

Additional factors influencing acid pump operation:

  • Flow rate and pressure requirements: These determine the pump size and type needed.

  • Liquid viscosity and abrasiveness: Certain pumps are better suited for specific viscosities and abrasive solids.

  • Temperature of the acid: Some pumps have limitations on the temperature they can handle.

  • Safety features: Explosion-proof models may be necessary for hazardous environments.

It’s important to choose the right acid pump based on your specific needs and the properties of the liquid you’re handling. Consulting with a pump expert can ensure you get the most suitable and reliable pump for your application.

Types of Acid Pumps

The specific type of acid pump you need depends on several factors, including the type of acid, flow rate, pressure requirements, viscosity, and abrasiveness. Here are some common types of acid pumps:

1. Centrifugal Pumps:

  • Operation: Uses a rotating impeller to create centrifugal force, flinging the liquid outwards and generating pressure.

  • Suitable for: Low to medium viscosity acids, high flow rates.

  • Limitations: Not ideal for highly viscous acids, abrasive solids, or shear-sensitive liquids.

  • Material: Special materials like stainless steel or lined casings are used to prevent corrosion.

2. Air-operated Diaphragm (AODD) Pumps:

  • Operation: Two flexible diaphragms separated by a chamber are used. Compressed air pushes one diaphragm forward, drawing liquid, then switches, pushing the other diaphragm to expel liquid.

  • Suitable for: Highly viscous acids, abrasive solids, shear-sensitive liquids, self-priming applications.

  • Limitations: Pulsating flow, lower flow rates compared to centrifugal pumps.

3. Gear Pumps:

  • Operation: Two intermeshing gears create suction and pressure to move the liquid.

  • Suitable for: High viscosity acids, shear-sensitive liquids, precise metering.

  • Limitations: Lower flow rates, higher cost compared to other types.

4. Peristaltic Pumps:

  • Operation: Uses a roller to squeeze a flexible tube, creating suction and pushing liquid forward.

  • Suitable for: Shear-sensitive liquids, slurries, metering applications.

  • Limitations: Lower flow rates, limited pressure head.

5. Magnetic Drive Pumps:

  • Operation: Uses a magnetic coupling to rotate the impeller, eliminating the need for a shaft seal that could leak.

  • Suitable for: Hazardous or toxic acids, volatile liquids, environments with strict leak prevention requirements.

  • Limitations: Higher cost compared to other types.

6. Metering Pumps:

  • Operation: Designed for precise delivery of small volumes of liquids.

  • Suitable for: Dosing applications, chemical feed, laboratory use.

  • Limitations: Lower flow rates, higher cost compared to other types.

Additional factors to consider:

  • Temperature of the acid: Some pumps have limitations on the temperature they can handle.

  • Safety features: Explosion-proof models may be necessary for hazardous environments.

Benefits and Limitations of Acid Pumps

Acid pumps offer a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased efficiency and reliability compared to other types of pumps

  • Ability to handle corrosive liquids without being damaged

  • Increased safety, as there is no risk of leakage or contamination

However, there are also some limitations to consider when using acid pumps, including:

  • Higher cost compared to other types of pumps

  • Limited flow rate and pressure capabilities

  • Maintenance requirements to ensure the pumps continue to function properly


Acid pumps are essential components in a variety of industrial processes and applications, where they play a crucial role in moving corrosive liquids and liquids with abrasive solids. Understanding the different types of acid pumps, their benefits and limitations, and how they work can help you make an informed decision when choosing an acid pump for your needs. Whether you’re looking for increased efficiency, reliability, or safety, there is sure to be an acid pump that is right for you.

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Brian JR Williamson Brian JR Williamson

Self-Priming Trash Pumps

Rotech Pumps specializes in self-priming trash pumps designed to handle liquids with high solids content, making them suitable for applications like sewage pumping, dewatering, and slurry pumping. Featuring a built-in self-priming mechanism and robust construction, these pumps are widely used in construction, mining, wastewater treatment, and other industries where efficient solids handling is crucial.

In addition to trash pumps, Rotech Pumps offers a diverse range of self-priming process centrifugal pumps tailored for chemical processing, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and more. Engineered for reliable performance, these centrifugal pumps boast features like a self-priming mechanism, corrosion-resistant materials, and precision engineering.

Rotech Pumps' self-priming centrifugal pumps are distinguished by robust construction, corrosion resistance, and easy maintenance. These pumps excel in handling solids, viscous materials, and variable liquid levels, making them versatile for diverse applications. Key applications include construction, agriculture, municipal tasks, mining, and various industrial processes such as chemical processing and food production.

As a reputable manufacturer, Rotech Pumps emphasizes expertise, customer-centricity, and a global presence. They prioritize customer satisfaction, offering excellent after-sales support, customization options, and technical assistance. The company ensures competitive pricing without compromising on pump quality.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) provide insights into self-priming centrifugal pumps, Rotech Pumps' unique features, industries benefiting from their pumps, and details on pricing, availability, and customization options.

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Brian JR Williamson Brian JR Williamson

How to Choose a Vacuum Pump

Choosing the right vacuum pump can ensure that your operations will be the most cost and energy-efficient, with the least maintenance and minimal downtime. 

In this article, the experts at Becker offer their advice on how to make the optimal selection for your application – whether it be secondary packaging, thermoforming, composites, CNC routing, printing, or any other industry that relies on vacuum pumps.

The key factors to consider when selecting a vacuum pump will depend on the specifics of the application. For example, the type of vacuum technology needed will hinge on whether you require constant or intermittent vacuum.

Other application parameters affecting the choice will include temperature, moisture, particulates, or process residues. Also, consider if there are certain contaminants and/or materials present that could affect the vacuum or change when vacuum is applied.

Once these application parameters are nailed down, the main factors that will determine the specific make and model vacuum pump to choose are:

  • Required vacuum level

  • Volume flow (cfm)

  • Piping/setup 

Lastly, take into account your willingness to provide maintenance/service at the recommended intervals. The amount of time and investment required for these activities depends on the make and model of the pump.

Generally speaking, filtration and the right ambient conditions keep the pump healthy.


When choosing the best vacuum pump for a specific application it’s crucial to apply the right amount of vacuum. For instance, a food product could start boiling if the vacuum level is too high. This can lead to a damaged product and additionally, the vapor may damage the pump.

In other instances, e.g. vacuum fixing or pick and place operations, too low a vacuum level can result in a risk for machine operators and machines due to a lack of clamping force.

The wrong pump choice may influence the process outcome, energy efficiency, service intervals, and many other aspects critical to your operation. Because of these factors, anything could happen – from an explosion or fire, to not working properly or the product/process being affected negatively.


Vacuum pressure levels are generally classified as rough, medium, or high vacuum. Different companies and experts talk about vacuum levels differently and use different measurement units, so it’s important to clarify. Vacuum pressure can be measured in units of Torr, millibar, microns, or inches of mercury, Pascals (Pa), psi, etc. 

So, for instance, a rough vacuum theoretically goes up to 1 millibar or roughly 29.8 inches of mercury. At Becker, we don’t use these terms scientifically, so when we say rough vacuum, we’re typically referring to about 15-20” of mercury or less.

There is a caveat to this. Most vacuum pump manufacturers, ourselves included, say we offer “full vacuum” pumps or to 29.99” of mercury. However, it’s rare for most industrial applications to require that level of vacuum. Most customers who say “I need full vacuum” don’t actually need it, and most companies like Becker will use the term “full vacuum” to mean something above 29” and then further qualify on a per-application basis.


A vacuum occurs in any place where the gas pressure is lower than the Earth’s atmospheric pressure, which is approximately 14.7 psi (pounds per square inch). To create a vacuum, there must be a flow of gas or liquid from one location to another. Molecules of gas are constantly moving, putting pressure on the surrounding surfaces. As molecules are pumped away from an area, the pressure drops, and a vacuum is created.

Sometimes customers need a high flow but only a low vacuum level. For instance, a fan moves air at a high rate of flow but doesn’t create a vacuum (or only a very nominal vacuum). Other times a customer may need a really high vacuum level. The higher the vacuum, the lower the flow.

In “real” terms this makes sense. A vacuum has to pull molecules from somewhere which causes a corresponding reaction. To get high levels of vacuum, eventually, the flow will have to decrease as you’re pulling from less available volume. 


Rough vacuum – less than 15” of mercury. With less than 15” customers will also typically need higher flows. We’d recommend a regenerative blower.

Medium vacuum – 15” to 26” of mercury. We recommend dry rotary vane lines.

High vacuum – 26” to 29.92” of mercury. We recommend lubricated vane or claw pumps.

Fine or ultra vacuum – 29.92” of mercury and up. Screw pumps, and other lubricated pumps.


Finally, specific features or technologies can enhance the functionality and versatility of the vacuum pump you select. These may include filtration, the correct oil (in lubricated pumps), and gas ballast valves.

Remember, in the case of vacuum pumps, bigger is not always better! An oversized pump is only sometimes beneficial. Focusing on the volume flow and pressure level is more important than the installed motor – a larger motor is often a waste of money.

Becker Pumps is a leading manufacturer of vacuum pumps for a wide range of industries and applications. We have the knowledge and expertise to help you make the right pump selection for your specific needs. 

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Brian JR Williamson Brian JR Williamson

5 Common Problems With Vacuum Pumps

With so many types and brands of industrial vacuum pumps on the market today, a wide range of issues can arise that can negatively impact your business. 

In this post, we examine the five most common problem areas and how to resolve them – whether repairing or replacing the pumps is necessary, or if less drastic solutions will work. 


A common issue encountered by users of all types of vacuum pumps is failing to ensure proper wiring of the motor to match the incoming voltage. This can damage or burn up the motor.

The motor wiring is determined by the incoming power supply. Once the incoming power is verified, the voltage ratings can be found on the motor tag (not to be confused with the pump tag).

Depending on the motor, the wiring can be set for multiple voltages. Three phase motors typically have two configurations: high voltage or low voltage. The correct configuration for these settings can be found inside the motor box cover or on the motor tag. If not present, contact Becker Support to obtain this information.

Rotation of the unit is crucial. This can be checked after the wiring has been installed and confirmed for the proper voltage by “bump starting” the unit and watching the fan for rotation.

Arrows to indicate proper rotation direction can be found on the outside protective cover or the motor flange. In a 3-phase setting, the direction of rotation can be changed by swapping two of the incoming leads. When bump starting any unit be sure the inlet and outlet of the pump are open to ambient air to allow the pump to rotate without restriction.


If a unit is continuously tripping a breaker so that the pump won’t turn on, further troubleshooting is required.

Start by checking that the breaker is rated for the proper values compared to the ones on the motor tag. For example, if a 20 amp breaker is installed but the motor is rated for 25 amps the breaker will overload and trip. Adjust the breaker for proper range and support.

If the pump has been in operation for some time and tripping is a new occurrence, first lockout/tagout the pump/motor to cut power to the motor.

Next, open the pump and inspect the working chamber for potential metal-to-metal contact, broken vanes, or other obstructions that are generating more resistance and causing a spike in amp draw.

Note: This step will vary depending on the pump type, if unsure how to access the working chamber for your specific model please contact Becker Support.


A loss in vacuum or pressure can often be attributed to lack of pump maintenance. If the inlet filters are not periodically cleaned and/or replaced, the pump can starve of proper airflow, resulting in performance loss and potential failure.

To quickly check that your filters are clean and clear, hold a flashlight on the outside of the filter and look to see how much, if any, visible light shines through. If little to no light is visible after blowing the filter out, it’s time to change the filter. Additional technical options to determine a fliter’s health are available—contact Becker Support for more information.

A loss in pump performance can also be caused by sticking or worn vanes. To check this, start by removing and measuring the vanes to determine if they have worn past their minimum height tolerance. Inspect each vane for chips, breaks, abnormal wear, and cupping. 

The maintenance sticker attached to the top of your vacuum pump will show the minimum specs for the vanes specific to your model.

Cupping can be found when laying all the vanes on top of one another and observing the end view. If visible light or “bowing” can be seen between the vanes, one or more may be beginning to cup. This can weaken the vanes so much that eventually, they break, resulting in a seized pump. 

Vane cupping is only caused from overheating—please consult Becker’s Service Team for corrective actions immediately.

Another potential cause for loss in pump performance is sticking vanes that will not drop from the rotor. Contamination from the application or over-greasing can cause the vanes to stick. In an oil-lubricated pump, the vanes will stick if the oil becomes too thick. Lack of proper oil flow will cause lubricated vanes to delaminate and swell so that they stick in the rotor slots. 

Cleaning out thick oil or running flushing oil through the pump can help to free up vanes and improve oil flow. In dry vane pumps, buildup of carbon vane dust in the rotor slots can cause vanes to stick. Compressed air and 220 grit sandpaper can be used to gently remove vane dust from the rotor slot.


Misting oil from the exhaust port while the unit is running could be caused by several contributing factors.

First, Becker’s oil-lubricated pumps are best run at the deepest vacuum level they can reach. If your oil-lubricated pump is running at less than 20”Hg, there will be an increase in exhaust pressure as more ambient air is present in the pump. This will cause more oil to leave the pump. Ensure all connections are tight and not leaking on the inlet portion of the pump/application. Measure the vacuum level at the inlet of the pump and aim for a vacuum level of 20-29”Hg.

Second, an inspection of the oil separators should be done. Over time, oil will accumulate in the separators and they can become saturated. These filters collect oil particles from the exhaust air stream. If they become saturated, they cannot collect oil and it will be blown out of the exhaust port instead. The oil separator should be changed regularly, just like a normal air filter.

Third, check the float chamber. All oil-lubricated models will have a small “scavenger line” connecting the float chamber to either the inlet or B-side end shield. This chamber is located just below the oil separators in the exhaust of the pump.

If this line and/or the chamber becomes clogged or contaminated it will starve the working chamber of fresh oil to properly lubricate the vanes, and the float chamber to overfill with oil. The exhaust pressure traveling across this float chamber will cause oil to mist from the exhaust or just simply leak oil from the exhaust port/cover.


A question about noise often arises when customers initially install their pumps, especially dry vane pumps.

On initial startup, it is common to hear a “clicking” sound when the vanes drop out of their rotor slots due to centrifugal force and contact with the cylinder walls, especially at lower speeds. In most cases this is normal.

Additionally, when new vanes are installed or a freshly rebuilt unit is run for the first time, a very high-pitched screeching sound is sometimes generated. This noise is due to the vanes breaking in. Allow the pump to run for 24-48 hours. If the noise continues, please consult the Becker Service Team.

To help reduce or mitigate the noise issue when rebuilding a pump or even exchanging vanes for a new set, be sure to clean and clear out all vane debris from the previous set. Using a clean rag, brake cleaner, and compressed air, thoroughly clean the cylinder walls. If the vanes are trying to mesh to a contaminated/dirty cylinder the noise will take longer to go away and may never stop.

If the pump has been in operation for some time and you notice a new noise or an increase in noise or clicking while in operation, it’s time to check the filters, bearings, and vanes.

With older pumps, the cylinder wall will need to be inspected for “washboarding” – look for ripples or waves along the wall that form from extended use. Washboarding will cause the vanes to skip as they scrape across the cylinder walls, increasing heat and noise and a loss of vane life. Once washboarding begins the only fix is replacing the cylinder.


These five common problems with vacuum pumps can significantly impact the efficiency and reliability of your industrial processes. Any of these issues will undoubtedly disrupt the process with downtime that could be costly. 

Here are some tips for how to get ahead of disruptions in your operations:


An increase in the running temperature of the pump can often indicate an issue that should be checked. The heat could be due to metal contact within the working chamber, broken vanes, wash boarding, bearing failures, oil viscosity, etc.

An increase in noise or vibration, or an increase in amps, should not be ignored. Contact the Service Center for further troubleshooting assistance.

The two most common causes of failure across any type of vacuum/pressure pump are ingestion of contaminants from the application and running the unit for too long on a clogged or restricted filter.


Another main cause are gaps in the preventative maintenance schedule based on use and application. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, but recognize that these must be tailored to your specific needs to ensure you get the most out of your pump for years to come.

Periodically checking the filters, measuring the vanes, checking oil level and condition, and installing the proper external accessories to help protect the pump will all aid in extending its life.

Leaks in vacuum pumps or vacuum systems often can be attributed to a lack of tight and secure connections within the plumbing of the system.

Also, some specific Becker Pump models (KVT, DVT, KDT) have an O ring located around the collar of the vacuum relief valves that over time can dry rot, causing a leak directly at the valve. Your contact at Becker can assist you with the recommended guidelines as well as provide maintenance kit part numbers and pricing for your specific Becker model. 


Some customers will opt to have their old model rebuilt to use as a backup and put a new pump into operation. Due to extensive damage, some may be scrapped or sent back as is and a new one purchased because the cost of a new pump is less than rebuilding the old one. 


Becker currently offers mobile repair services based out of two locations. We also have a full-service center where you can send your pump for evaluation and repair by factory-trained technicians. We support warranty evaluations, total rebuilds, maintenance, and everything in between.

Our Technical Department is dedicated to helping you with any application-based solutions. For those who want to learn more, Becker offers training courses from Basics to Maintenance, to full in-depth repair.
And, if you’re in the market for a high-quality vacuum pump for your industrial application, Becker has you covered. We deliver a variety of customer-specific market solutions for different applications within each market. Click below to learn more about the solutions we offer for your industry.

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Brian JR Williamson Brian JR Williamson

Qdos H-FLO: chemical metering and dosing pump

The latest pump in the Qdos® range, Qdos H-FLO is designed specifically for higher flow rates up to 600 L/hr.

Delivering the same accuracy and reliability as other Qdos metering and dosing pumps. Qdos H-FLO pumps offer long maintenance intervals - reducing the impact of process downtime and lowering the overall cost of ownership.

Eliminate ancillary equipment

A diaphragm metering pump often requires a range of high maintenance ancillary items to function.

Qdos pumps eliminate the need for ancillary equipment while ensuring accurate, linear and repeatable metering across all process conditions.

Features and benefits

  • Qdos® H-FLO offers flow rates up to 600 L/h and pressure capability up to 7 bar

  • RFID Pumphead detection ensures confirmation of correct pumphead

  • Revolution counter for pumphead service maintenance

  • One common pump drive with several pumphead options for changing process conditions and chemistries

  • Network integration, control and communication options include EtherNet/IP™, PROFIBUS® and PROFINET®

  • Optional pressure sensing kit with configurable alarms for process monitoring

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Brian JR Williamson Brian JR Williamson

What is a chemical injection pump?

Chemical injection pump is a specialized device used to transfer and inject chemicals into a system or process with accuracy and reliability. These pumps are engineered to withstand the challenges posed by corrosive and abrasive substances, ensuring a seamless and controlled flow of chemicals in diverse industrial applications.

The primary purpose of a chemical injection pump is to facilitate the controlled introduction of chemicals into a system. This can involve adding specific substances to water treatment processes, injecting corrosion inhibitors into pipelines, or introducing chemicals for sanitization purposes. The applications of chemical injection pumps are widespread, ranging from oil and gas production to water treatment plants, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and various other industrial settings.

The importance of chemical injection pumps cannot be overstated, as they contribute significantly to the efficiency, safety, and reliability of industrial processes. In the oil and gas sector, for instance, these pumps play a crucial role in enhancing production and protecting equipment from corrosion. In water treatment plants, chemical injection pumps are instrumental in maintaining water quality and preventing the growth of harmful microorganisms. Industries such as pharmaceuticals rely on these pumps for precise dosing during manufacturing processes, ensuring product quality and compliance with stringent standards.

As we delve deeper into the intricacies of chemical injection pumps, it becomes evident that their role extends beyond mere conveyance of substances; they are integral components in maintaining the integrity and functionality of critical industrial processes. In the following sections, we will explore the working mechanisms of these pumps, their types, and the diverse applications that highlight their versatility in meeting the specific needs of different industries.

Purpose and Applications:

These pumps serve a critical role in numerous industries by enabling the controlled addition of chemicals for various purposes. Here are some key applications:

  • Oil and Gas Industry:

    • Corrosion inhibition (protecting pipelines and equipment)

    • Hydrate prevention (ensuring smooth flow of gas and liquids)

    • Scale removal (maintaining wellbore and pipeline integrity)

    • Enhanced oil recovery (increasing oil production)

  • Water Treatment:

    • Disinfection (eliminating harmful bacteria and pathogens)

    • pH adjustment (optimizing water quality for specific needs)

    • Coagulation and flocculation (removing suspended solids)

  • Chemical Processing:

    • Metering of reactants (ensuring precise ratios for desired reactions)

    • Catalyst addition (speeding up chemical reactions)

    • pH control (maintaining optimal conditions for processes)

  • Food and Beverage Industry:

    • Adding flavors, preservatives, and colorants

    • Sanitizing and sterilizing equipment and products

    • Dosing CO2 for carbonation

  • Other Applications:

    • Pharmaceutical industry (precise dosing of ingredients in medications)

    • Agriculture (injecting fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides)

    • Power generation (adding corrosion inhibitors and pH adjusters)

Importance in Various Industries:

Chemical injection pumps play a crucial role in ensuring process efficiency, product quality, and safety across various industries. Their precise control capabilities contribute to:

  • Increased productivity: By optimizing processes and preventing downtime due to equipment issues.

  • Enhanced product quality: By accurately injecting the right chemicals at the right dosage for desired outcomes.

  • Improved safety: By safely handling hazardous chemicals and minimizing environmental impact.

  • Reduced operational costs: By optimizing chemical usage and minimizing waste.

In essence, chemical injection pumps are essential tools for various industries, contributing significantly to efficient and safe operations.

II. Working Principle of a Chemical Injection Pump

Chemical injection pumps operate through various mechanisms, each with its own advantages and suited for specific applications. Here’s a breakdown of the most common types:

1. Diaphragm Pumps:

  • Mechanism: A flexible diaphragm separates the fluid chamber from the drive mechanism (air or hydraulic pressure). As the diaphragm expands and contracts, it creates suction, drawing in and pushing out the fluid.

  • Advantages:

    • Leak-free design, ideal for harsh chemicals.

    • Capable of handling high pressures and viscosities.

    • Self-priming and easy to maintain.

  • Disadvantages:

    • Limited flow rates compared to other types.

    • Pulsating flow may require pulsation dampeners.

2. Piston Pumps:

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  • Mechanism: A piston reciprocates within a cylinder, creating pressure to push the fluid out. Check valves regulate flow direction.

  • Advantages:

    • High flow rates and pressures achievable.

    • Precise metering capabilities.

    • Can handle abrasive and viscous fluids.

  • Disadvantages:

    • More complex design and require regular maintenance.

    • Internal seals can be susceptible to wear and tear.

    • Pulsating flow may require pulsation dampeners.

3. Gear Pumps:

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  • Mechanism: Two intermeshing gears trap and move fluid between their teeth. The meshing action creates a positive displacement, forcing the fluid out.

  • Advantages:

    • Simple design and easy to maintain.

    • Can handle high viscosities and shear-sensitive fluids.

    • Smooth, continuous flow without pulsation.

  • Disadvantages:

    • Limited pressure capabilities compared to other types.

    • Internal clearances can lead to internal leakage.

    • Not ideal for abrasive fluids due to potential gear wear.

IV. Key Considerations When Choosing a Chemical Injection Pump: Selecting the Right Tool for the Job

Choosing the right chemical injection pump for your specific application is crucial for ensuring optimal performance, safety, and cost-effectiveness. Here are the key factors to consider:

1. Flow Rate and Pressure Requirements:

  • Flow rate: Determine the desired volume of chemical you need to inject per unit of time (e.g., gallons per minute, liters per hour).

  • Pressure: Consider the pressure required to overcome resistance in the injection line and deliver the chemical to the desired location.

Matching the pump’s capabilities to your requirements ensures accurate dosing and avoids inefficiencies or potential equipment damage.

2. Chemical Compatibility:

  • Chemical properties: Identify the specific chemicals you will be injecting, including their viscosity, abrasiveness, and potential corrosiveness.

  • Pump material: Choose a pump with materials compatible with the chemicals being handled to prevent leaks, corrosion, and contamination.

  • Chemical resistance charts: Consult manufacturers’ charts to identify pumps with suitable material construction for your specific chemicals.

Ensuring compatibility minimizes safety risks, protects your equipment, and maintains product quality.

3. Safety Features:

  • Pressure relief valves: Protect against overpressure situations that could damage the pump or piping.

  • Leak detection sensors: Alert you to potential leaks for prompt action and spill prevention.

  • Emergency shutdown systems: Allow for quick shut-off in case of malfunctions or safety hazards.

  • Explosion-proof models: Choose explosion-proof pumps if handling flammable or volatile chemicals.

Prioritizing safety features minimizes risks to personnel, equipment, and the environment.

4. Ease of Maintenance:

  • Accessibility: Consider the ease of accessing the pump for maintenance tasks like cleaning, refilling, and replacing parts.

  • Spare parts availability: Ensure readily available spare parts to minimize downtime in case of repairs.

  • Serviceability: Choose a pump with a design that facilitates easy maintenance and repair procedures.

Easy maintenance reduces operational costs and ensures the pump’s long-term reliability.

By carefully considering these key factors, you can select the optimal chemical injection pump that meets your specific needs and ensures efficient, safe, and cost-effective operation.

V. Conclusion: Chemical Injection Pumps – Precision Dosing for Diverse Applications

Chemical injection pumps have emerged as essential tools across various industries, playing a crucial role in precisely controlling the introduction of chemicals into fluid streams. Here’s a quick recap of their key points:

  • Precise Dosing: Unlike regular pumps, they excel at accurately metering and injecting specific chemicals under varying pressure conditions.

  • Wide Range of Applications: They find use in industries like oil and gas, water treatment, chemical processing, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and power generation.

  • Essential Benefits: They contribute to enhanced product quality, improved process efficiency, increased safety, and reduced operational costs.

  • Key Selection Factors: Flow rate, pressure, chemical compatibility, safety features, and ease of maintenance are crucial considerations when choosing the right pump.

Chemical injection pumps offer remarkable versatility:

  • Handling diverse chemicals: From harsh chemicals in oil and gas to sensitive ingredients in pharmaceuticals, they cater to various needs.

  • Accommodating varying pressures and flow rates: They meet diverse application requirements, from high-pressure injection in pipelines to precise dosing in chemical reactions.

In essence, chemical injection pumps stand as powerful tools for ensuring:

  • Efficiency: Optimized processes and maximized yields.

  • Quality: Consistent results and adherence to standards.

  • Safety: Minimized risks to personnel, equipment, and the environment.

  • Cost-effectiveness: Optimized chemical usage and minimized waste.

By understanding their working principles, applications, and key selection factors, we can leverage these versatile pumps to their full potential, contributing to success across various industries.

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Sarah Pirtle Sarah Pirtle

AGC Presentation

We were honored to be presented with a certificate at the AGC luncheon.

Process & Power, Inc. was presented with a certificate at the AGC luncheon! It is an honor to be a part of the AGC, and we look forward to presenting on infinity piping soon.

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